61.  The team has had a long streak of wins.

62.  The team has many loyal fans.

63.  The team has many good players, but he is clearly the main man.

64.  The VE team now has the data displayed in a manner allowing it to spot anomalously high costs of performing any function.

65.  Both teams had some near misses and the score could have gone either way.

66.  The systems planning team will have to ensure that rewards come during and not only after the full information systems project is implemented.

67.  At each phase, the project team has to show that the new car meets predetermined criteria, including financial targets, before moving on to the next.

68.  Anyhow I thought the team had a pretty good crimble period, despite the number of draws which were due mainly to bad luck and some inept finishing.

69.  How many teams have there been in the leagues anyone has played in?

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