61.  Any flat tax is inherently unfair, as are all regressive taxes.

62.  Anyone in this situation can reclaim the tax from their tax office after the end of the tax year in April.

63.  Apart from bestowing long overdue financial independence on Married women, the changes also offer couples the chance of substantial tax savings.

64.  Approximately one dozen employees took advantage of this remarkable tax loophole.

65.  Artisans and traders living on this privileged land escaped the tax and other service duties of townsmen.

66.  As a result, a small increase in local spending will translate into a big rise in council tax.

67.  As all but a few privileged children have an income below the tax threshold, this interest will be tax-free.

68.  As already discussed, there could be tax advantages in retaining a mortgage.

69.  As communities become less based on geographic or political boundaries, nation states will Decline along with their tax base.

70.  As crude oil prices dropped, many governments raised their taxes on gasoline.

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