61.  Berowne had asked him in out of the cold to share his meal.

62.  Bertha Cohen felt his anxiety and shared it.

63.  Bonding May be ionic or covalent, depending on whether valence electrons are transferred or shared.

64.  Both are essential, since together they enable Christians to share a vision and an experience of a uniting church.

65.  Both classes shared a lobby which had racks on two levels for coats.

66.  Both super-powers shared the instinct for self-preservation and negotiated continuously in search of credible systems of nuclear deterrents.

67.  Buchanan made a special appeal to abortion opponents, a group of voters whose support he generally shares with Gramm and Keyes.

68.  Bureaucrats simply do not understand why others do not share their passion for paperwork.

69.  But all these leaders share certain essential characteristics.

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