61.  And the fruit fly rule holds.

62.  And they keep the cardinal rule, which is to update regularly.

63.  And, in accordance with the rules, a transcript of any wasted costs hearing must be made.

64.  And, lastly, the definition of rules for housework establishes a mechanism whereby the housewife can reward herself for doing it.

65.  Another feature of electronic transitions is that the selection rule for pure vibrational transitions no longer applies.

66.  Another simple rule to observe is to be careful not to crimp or squeeze the cable.

67.  Any architect knows that, as a rule, old buildings are more soundly built than new ones.

68.  Any attempt to nail down individuals with the aid of rules and collective values seems doomed to vague and complex generalities.

69.  Any child who breaks the rules will be punished.

70.  Any Marketplace can be structured in different ways by government rules, of course.

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