61.  But for the present, crystal users recommend using their treatment to complement, rather than replace, traditional medicine.

62.  But he has no plans to replace the sofa and love seat Roberts left behind.

63.  But he was replaced, because the company wanted some one who was young and aggressive.

64.  But holding these positions creates muscular tension which, ultimately, replaces one habit with another.

65.  But I think the pentas, which will pull through a milder winter, May need to be replaced.

66.  But if you remove the jam and replace it with a bunch of loonies on bicycles, the whole thing will implode.

67.  But replacing it with something more attractive is going to cost a lot more than anyone anticipated.

68.  But since neural computers can carry out highly skilled tasks tirelessly, they will inevitably replace humans in some medical tasks.

69.  But the hard labour for criminals which replaced judicial execution was so appalling that it was in effect a living death.

70.  But the Pentagon contends that aircraft and ships are wearing out and need to be replaced.

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