61.  Angalo pulled one of the levers back a bit.

62.  Angela is sitting on the side porch as I pull into my driveway.

63.  Anne unknotted the rubber tubing from her arm, and pulled the tourniquet loose.

64.  Another has him tortured to death by having his intestines pulled from him by a windlass.

65.  Another layer of guilt was added for brighter children who acclimatised sufficiently to start pulling ahead of their classmates.

66.  Another plan was to get Primakov elected, as long as he pulled out of the presidential race.

67.  Another pulled into her driveway and was bitten when she stepped out of the car.

68.  Any other soldier would have told him to pull himself together and be a man.

69.  Anyway, I pull up a chair by the bed and say hello.

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