61.  But the episode nevertheless did focus attention on the corruption that is rife within the civil service.

62.  But the truth was that, by and large, the research university focuses its collective intelligence on other matters.

63.  But too much debate focuses on measures to treat the symptoms of the malaise, rather than tackling the cause.

64.  But without such knowledge, the reader is required to focus on the language and make considerable efforts of inference.

65.  By focusing on major issues that loom ahead, they create a forum for anticipatory thinking.

66.  By focusing on the educational needs of the poor, the act avoided the religious controversy that killed its proposals under Kennedy.

67.  By focusing on wage profiles it is possible to show contrasts between different segments of the labour Market.

68.  By making breaking up harder to do, supporters believe that couples will focus more on staying together.

69.  By which is meant that they have developed their ability to focus both senses and mind upon a thought process.

70.  Cairns and co focus on the oddities of human nature with a certain morbid curiosity.

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