61.  Analysts described the layoffs as an attempt to cut costs after a year of acquisitions and record profits.

62.  And even though many legislators describe things as business as usual, everyone agrees that this is just plain weird.

63.  And of that group, just a third described the crisis as a time of personal turmoil brought about by the realization that they were aging.

64.  And political leaders across the country have described the caravan as an affront to law-abiding citizens.

65.  And Wade Henderson, the chief lobbyist for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, described the measure as merely part of a broader assault.

66.  Another analyst described the transaction as one company taking over another through an equity offer.

67.  Apparently determined to make the summit a success, officials in both countries have described the deal as a symbol of the end of Cold War-era tensions.

68.  Annan described Saddam as calm, well informed and decisive during their private two-hour meeting on Sunday.

69.  Arkin described his client as a victim of certain board members looking out for their own interests.

70.  As he prepared to leave for the front line in Sarajevo, he described his devotion as an extension of theirs.

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