61.  Care for the barking man would cost money, and where would that come from?

62.  Cars, food, and clothes are cheaper, but services like plumbers cost a packet.

63.  Cash machine withdrawals, cheques, standing orders, direct debits and deposits cost nothing.

64.  Chairs, small tables and cabinets May cost several hundred dollars.

65.  Chances are that such a trip would cost a small fortune, because it does not include a Saturday stay.

66.  Clare was surprised to find how much money it cost to lead what she considered a normal life.

67.  College tuition, extraordinary medical expenses, and career compromises can easily cost much more.

68.  Companies keen to increase their profits have to be cost conscious.

69.  Compensation packages for expatriates coming to Britain usually cover schooling costs, private medical care and housing costs.

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