61.  And as quickly as that passed his mind, he caught another glimpse of the serenity that sometimes came to him lately.

62.  And because, somehow, Luke Hunter had caught her off balance with his flowers and cryptic messages.

63.  And Blundell put on a great performance, fending off the Mercedes until both were caught by Schumacher.

64.  And grandfather caught a bus up to Ipswich Market where my father was, and they drove home.

65.  And he had deliberately caught his flight with just minutes to spare.

66.  And her nostrils caught the smell of charring wood.

67.  And I imagine these same dark eyes catching sight of the five chimneys of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

68.  And just then the policeman saw another man, who was running to catch a bus.

69.  And retailers, caught betwixt the two, were perplexed and losing money, if not closing up shop for good.

70.  And the ambulance was engulfed in flames before firemen caught up with it.

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