61.  After another hour of waiting and riding in the vehicle followed.

62.  After another island with half blocked off by Hamstead Wharf there are two aqueducts.

63.  After another mile, Chapel-le-Dale is reached, an oasis of greenery in a bleak landscape.

64.  After another short chat they joined the exodus of dockers leaving the ship.

65.  After arguing with the night porter for another ten minutes, they worked their way up floor by floor.

66.  After considering his options, Henderson left Tandem in March for another job.

67.  After dinner they had walked in the grounds as a threesome before Lee had suggested another trip to the pub.

68.  After fourth grade, the amount of schoolwork continues to increase gradually until grade seven, when another large jump occurs.

69.  After release, viruses remain inactive until they come into contact with and infect another cell.

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