61.  And labor leaders accept the idea.

62.  And Mayleas has accepted the responsibility of finding the money.

63.  And Mellor willingly accepted her lavish hospitality - even though he was Arts Minister at the time and she was a film producer.

64.  And the political atmosphere must be able to accept the expression of partisan feelings.

65.  And the woman, believed to be a pretty mum in her twenties, has accepted his apology.

66.  And there is always something of the suggestive, because our minds accept all predictable ties on the same footing.

67.  And they were prepared to accept unlimited losses to achieve their sacred objective.

68.  And we accept that there is no magic wand which can be waved to provide a million jobs overnight.

69.  And yet I would Marvel as he accepted police escorts to whisk him past screaming teenyboppers to court at Wimbledon.

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