51.  At a time of heightened tension because of the deadly terrorist bombings in Saudi Arabia, the Clinton administration views Turkey as a bulwark against radical Islamic fundamentalism.

52.  At the other extreme were iconoclasts, who viewed icons as a violation of the Fourth Commandment against idol worship.

53.  At the same time, millions of young Chinese view the United States as a model.

54.  Banking groups said they viewed the proposal primarily as an increase in their financing costs.

55.  Baseball officials viewed the move as the work of Michael Eisner, head of the Walt Disney Co., which operates the club.

56.  Because the Catholic Church does not enjoy the deep roots here that it has in other Latin American countries, many Christian ministers view Cuba as fertile territory.

57.  Because the turn of the century was bringing about such rapid advances in the United States, many viewed gothic architecture as a reaction against change.

58.  Berger said Serb opposition leaders view Bulgaria as a model for a democracy they want for their own homeland.

59.  Blakemore obviously views the musical as a valentine to the theater.

60.  Boomburbanites view their towns as real cities, not launches from the mother ship.

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