51.  Basic provision of shelter, heat and light often consume more than half the total income of unemployed claimants.

52.  Be careful of getting caught in the trap of total involvement with your computer.

53.  Because of the weather, the parade was a total disaster.

54.  Bookings, reservations, staffing ... just about everything, they claimed, was in a state of total chaos.

55.  Both periodontal disease and poor oral hygiene showed stronger associations with total mortality than with coronary heart disease.

56.  Buffer base is a term which refers to the total quantity of buffers present in a whole blood specimen.

57.  Business teams are critical to implementing total quality programs.

58.  But Congress overrode those draft guidelines before they were finalized and imposed a total ban two years ago.

59.  But he has sterling qualities, particularly courage and a total indifference to public opinion.

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