51.  As the smell of fresh paint drifted through the air it became linked for us with summer and liberty.

52.  As the summer got hotter, the streams began to run more slowly.

53.  As the summer reaches its peak, there will be a population explosion of butterflies.

54.  As the year warms into summer, they pupate and turn into small greyish-black moths.

55.  At Beckenried is an aerial railway to the Klewenalp, a winter sports and summer resort on the high plateau.

56.  At summer camp in Vermont they have to dive into dark water from the lip of a granite quarry.

57.  At the end of the summer, he must seek out and defend a territory.

58.  Autumn was here, on the heels of a mutilated summer, and it had arrived with preternatural speed.

59.  B Pure cotton vests proved very popular last summer, so here they are again in a new range of seasonal shades.

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