51.  A set of binary codes is constructed which in itself, without any translation program, is quite meaningless.

52.  A set of guidance notes is provided to assist applicants in completing the form.

53.  A set of wings was also introduced, said to have been designed by Jock Lewes.

54.  A small explosive device was set off outside the UN headquarters today.

55.  A small set of rules are used to derive the syntactic information for the word.

56.  A small wooden door, set into the stone wall, and half hidden beneath the hanging tendrils of a climbing rose.

57.  A soft November swell has set the tables rattling metallically at one another across the bar.

58.  A spark can just as easily set light to your clothes as it can to a dryer full of washing.

59.  A story of indiscretion and retribution set in windswept Cornwall.

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