51.  I see the way forward as co-operation with local authorities, who would finance the upgrading and maintenance of the paths.

52.  Such researchers saw their task as collecting facts about a population.

53.  The popes saw the emperors as their lieutenants.

54.  They tend to see people as unthinking dupes who arc simply pushed and pulled around by the needs of capital.

55.  Jean Baudrillard, one of the leading commentators on postmodernist culture, sees America as the society where postmodernism has most fully developed.

56.  Do I appreciate that I have to lead my group to see the story as symbol?

57.  Many people today still see Freud as some kind of sexual pervert, taking his theories to be rather far-fetched.

58.  Marxism sees bureaucratic power as a matter of relations between classes.

59.  He may have seen her death as a judgement.

60.  On the whole they saw the British as allies from the point of view of protection, as insurance against massacre, and as offering opportunities for advancement.

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