51.  Anthony took him to the Pugin bar where they found a quiet corner protected from the worst of the Pugin wallpaper.

52.  Ants often farm colonies of aphids on garden plants, feeding off their honeydew, while protecting the aphids from predators.

53.  Any infant protected by an amulet bearing the names of the angels would be immune from her attentions.

54.  As a parent, I feel that more should be done to protect our children.

55.  As a threatened species, the snowy plover is protected under the federal Endangered Species Act.

56.  As he explained it to me, his fort came equipped with metal shields to protect it from rocket attacks.

57.  As migratory fowl, the egrets are protected by federal law during the April to September nesting season.

58.  As the command module entered the atmosphere tipped backwards so its heat shield was protecting the crew, the same effect happened.

59.  As the empire grew, its new territories needed to be protected.

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