51.  A recent report showed how older workers bear the brunt of economic recession.

52.  A regional study of difficult-to-let sheltered accommodation for older people Falshaw, Richard.

53.  A return to the old plastic sack would presumably produce an equally instant reduction.

54.  A rusty old car had been abandoned at the side of the road.

55.  A senile old person might also be assigned a legal guardian.

56.  A sense of fear possessed him as he walked into the old house.

57.  A significant minority of older people have difficulty in caring for themselves.

58.  A small sailboat draws close and Captains Peleg and Bildad, both old sea salts, reluctantly leave.

59.  A small, detailed survey found that older inheritors tended to put aside much of their cash to benefit their own children.

60.  A smaller Deere dealership went into the old J.I.

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