51.  At best the ads would attract a very small incremental audience to the network.

52.  At present, wide disparities remain among different network operators in terms of both efficiency and pricing.

53.  Attracting business also depends on connecting to information networks.

54.  Bankers, applying traditional, time-honored management models, originally saw only automation in the ATM network, however.

55.  Bay Networks said fiscal second-quarter earnings rose because of strong sales of its computer-networking equipment.

56.  Bayer was a passionate, excitable activist with boundless energy and a huge grassroots network of local contacts at his disposal.

57.  Beneath the city streets is a network of sewers.

58.  Blue skies are criss-crossed with a network of overhead wires.

59.  Both are more efficient ways for subscribers to download and upload more and larger files, thus increasing network usage.

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