51.  As Mami and Papi finished dressing, the girls watched, fussing at their tights, an uncomfortable new article of clothing.

52.  As one biographer reports, it almost killed him, but he found no peace until he had finished every last one.

53.  As parts of that created world, he has not finished with us either.

54.  As she finished, she had another panic attack.

55.  As soon as they finished with their books the two girls made him tea.

56.  As soon as they succeed the next person in the team bursts her balloon and the game continues until everyone has finished.

57.  As the forensic team finished with areas of the flat he could move around more and disturb things.

58.  As we finish, the woman asks an-other question.

59.  At last he finished, gave a loud belch and wiped his greasy fingers and mouth on the hem of his ermine-lined cloak.

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