51.  Do you think that this is an accurate description of how people behave when they acquire extra money?

52.  In this case, people receive the extra money either through tax cuts or through increased government expenditure.

53.  Therefore the resulting extra money in their portfolios has not involved any increase in wealth.

54.  Is, my Lord Mayor, going to have to find extra money to fi to to fi to fund those sites independently.

55.  Or make their extra money.

56.  Did she mean the word absolutely literally enough to prepare prepared to commit extra money to preventing it?

57.  It says the extra money underlines its commitment to quality care and choice, but admits that the closures were a difficult decision.

58.  And Chief Constable David Graham has warned that if the Government does not provide extra money, drastic steps will have to be taken.

59.  The extra money means he can plan big-scale productions like The Dream.

60.  Councils have had to levy extra money for unpaid poll tax, business rates and interest on borrowing in a bid to balance the books.

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