51.  But Britain is likely to press for a deal under which its own industry provides hardware for the satellites.

52.  But differences over valuation scuppered the deal-that could happen again.

53.  But Ed was very annoyed when Martinez negotiated the Supersight deal for Harley.

54.  But Equitable was set on the Halifax deal and has signed a binding contract for the first half of its proposals.

55.  But even more important, as far as Salomon was concerned, was the Novelty of our deal.

56.  But for the Thorn deal cash, the bottom line would have looked very shaky.

57.  But he agreed to the deal.

58.  But I negotiated the deal between you and Jessica.

59.  But it will not tell addiction professionals how to deal better with addicts and alcoholics.

60.  But many borrowers choose an appealing discount deal as the sole criterion when they take out a loan.

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