41.  A further clinical examination is time consuming since it entails preparing another feed and watching or palpating the abdomen throughout a feed.

42.  A good time to add an item, of course, is when you buy it and the receipt is nearby.

43.  A good warm-up is essential every time to prevent injury and to achieve the most effective results.

44.  A great deal of time and money has been expended on creating a pleasant office atmosphere.

45.  A great deal of time was spent haggling over prices for specific tasks.

46.  A great deal of work was done at that time in enlarging and landscaping the park, creating lakes and the kitchen gardens.

47.  A highly skilled workforce trained in designing and manufacturing high-quality, high value-added products at low cost, with shorter lead times.

48.  A horseback-riding experience is dictated by ability, the size of the travel budget and the amount of vacation time you have.

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