41.  Application First ask the students to share their experiences with winter weather, ice, and snow.

42.  Applications include mobile facsimile, data sharing and transfer and remote computer access.

43.  Arthur Shaw, the third man who shared their shelter, was trying to make tea on a primus stove.

44.  As a result part of the administration of some benefits can involve an investigation of a relationship between people sharing accomodation.

45.  As I notice various strategies I frequently draw the class together and encourage them to share ideas.

46.  As I say, what Kip and I shared was a quick assimilation into city life.

47.  As I thanked her, Marie looked over her shoulder at Bobbie and gave a little shrug, sharing the joke with her.

48.  As parents we shared our hopes and fears for our children and laughed and cried together.

49.  Ask the students to share their ideas for pictures.

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