41. But hey, why we would be in the same room talking to each other if we hated each other?
42. But put these guys in the same room and it is as if everyone else disappears.
43. But such reassurances sound a little inny after spending an hour in the same room with Sun chief executive Scott McNealy.
44. But such reassurances sound a little tinny after spending an hour in the same room with Sun chief executive Scott McNealy.
45. But that they should have shared, however briefly, the same room, breathed the same air?
46. But the truth is that these men were never in the same room.
47. But you will get to be in the same room as Adam Sandler and be in a major motion picture set for holiday release.
48. Christian masses and Jewish Sabbath services are held in the same room at different times.
49. Coed sleeping in the same room, even with very good friends, sends a mixed message, says Haffner.
50. Come to think of it, has anybody seen Jersey Red and Mike Gimbel in the same room?