41.  Al Pacino plays a reformed crook who gets pulled back into a life of crime.

42.  Alan Anderson pulled over to brace himself for the big-city traffic ahead.

43.  Alan grasped the handle and pulled it.

44.  Alice came to the doorway pulling curlers from her hair.

45.  All members were expected to pull their weight.

46.  All the large houses have been pulled down, or taken over as nursing homes.

47.  All units are to pull back.

48.  Alma was standing ramrod in the yard when the truck pulled up with Lucky on a bed of straw.

49.  Almost before she had stopped screaming and pulling at his hard whip arm, she felt shame.

50.  Also, the gloves were often dusted with cornstarch or powder to make it easier to pull them on and off.

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