41.  An alternative course would be to introduce general legislation to protect the public interest when an essential service is threatened.

42.  An equally important aim is to ensure that the planning system continues to protect and enhance the environment.

43.  Ancient monuments are protected by law.

44.  And he also had a few choice words about my means of protecting myself.

45.  And in the end a wadi appeared, a narrow, twisting gap that could protect them.

46.  And once in range, without hands to protect yourself, you are extremely vulnerable.

47.  Angiletta said the primary purpose of the web site was to keep the public informed about legislation to protect children from predators.

48.  Anodisation is used to protect aluminium components that are likely to be exposed to the elements.

49.  Another theory was that the tusks protect the eyes when the babirusa is hunting for food among thorny undergrowth.

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