41.  A solar cell panel repays the electric power needed to manufacture it in its first few hours of operation.

42.  A strong president would further erode the power of the Congress.

43.  A woman who holds both of these in balance demonstrates the sanctifying power of differentiation.

44.  A work unit holds a power base of centrality if other departments are very dependent on it in the work flow.

45.  Abe resigned after less than a year in power.

46.  Above all, covetousness has enormous power and potential to destroy.

47.  Above all, they should not be imposed and regulated by a central power.

48.  According to Adkins, the on board computing power is about equivalent to the first small desktop computers.

49.  Accordingly, Congress simply lacks power under the Commerce Clause to displace state regulation of this kind.

50.  AccuCard and its ilk sit between the power supply and the motherboard.

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