41.  About the time Ed began getting restless, a family-owned firm in the same industry was looking for new blood.

42.  Accountancy firm Grant Thornton will give free telephone support and possible on-site assistance to customers buying the package.

43.  Actually, I had offers on leaving law school from the most prominent New York firms.

44.  Advancement is easier in large firms that employ several levels of administrative services managers.

45.  After interviewing numerous consultants, the glass company selected a firm that specialized in systematic performance improvement.

46.  After ten years with the same firm I Decided it was time to look for another job.

47.  After that, Feingold joined a Madison law firm and practiced civil litigation, including First Amendment law.

48.  After the closing of its distribution centers led to organizational disaster, the firm did its best to minimize these consequences.

49.  After the security alert, most of the firms affected were open for business on Monday morning.

50.  Again, because of the confidentiality and the need to attract the best possible talent, executive search firms are often called in.

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