41.  Another hazard in dealing with inattentive children is treating them in a mechanical and inflexible manner.

42.  Another more pessimistic version of modern Malthusianism dealt less with economics and more with the ecological limits to growth.

43.  Another question to consider is whether you have any other materials dealing with the same topic.

44.  Another type of specialist nurse deals solely with patients who have had a mastectomy.

45.  Any Government who are seriously concerned about dealing with the escalating crime rate must begin to tackle crime at its roots.

46.  Are you dealing with a salesman eager to clinch a deal, or with a kitchen designer actually employed by the company?

47.  Artists are terribly difficult people for us ordinary mortals to deal with.

48.  As a Stalinist, Nizan was doubtless reassured that prompt action to deal with the anti-Soviet activities had been taken.

49.  As all else has not failed, I propose to deal with this aspect of the matter shortly.

50.  As ex-Servicemen, they had not only dealt with the situations I feared most, but also those I could not imagine.

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