41.  Barton has been involved in some questionable financial deals.

42.  Because the Bulls were under the salary cap, they were free to make deals other teams could not consider.

43.  Both are leftwing groups that control large zones of the countryside after temporary peace deals with President Pastrana.

44.  Both sides agree that a deal could be concluded within weeks, but how long the peace will hold is uncertain.

45.  Both sides had a lot invested in making the deal work, but Cravath had the upper hand.

46.  Both sides have to agree on the terms of reference before there can be a trade deal.

47.  Business development in many companies consists of individuals pursuing exciting deals without a clear sense of how these contribute to the company.

48.  Business development managers also interview heads of functional areas within eBay to discover what aspects of past deals gave them grief.

49.  But although Maxine Johnson of the Founders still had doubts, he clinched the deal with his easy and cheerful manner.

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