41.  All her creditors were asked to execute the Debt of Trust, and agree to accept payment out of the Trust Estate.

42.  All her dreams, in an instant, had vaporised into nothing - for she knew she would never accept his proposition.

43.  All political parties accept that long-term increases in petrol prices are not only environmentally necessary but unavoidable.

44.  All television companies accept the need to maintain standards of taste and decency.

45.  All you can do in such cases is accept responsibility for the emotions you feel when you are around such people.

46.  Also the regime wants to offer something to Asean and justify constructive engagement by accepting a mediator from an Asean member country.

47.  Also, he was not going to accept it, he was going to look for a real motive for this murder.

48.  Alsop, said the memo, is a civilian columnist and is not accepted as a military authority.

49.  Although it was very tempting, accepting it would be the kiss of death for the concept.

50.  Although Leapor accepts that many women are guilty of inconstancy and immoderate behaviour, she none the less holds out the prospect of transformation.

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