31.  Andean birds spend much of the year in conditions almost as tough.

32.  Anyway, Unix now faces a much tougher fight for survival against Microsoft Corp - or are we imagining things?

33.  Apply slightly tougher standards for employers who hire temporary foreign workers for specialty jobs in the high-tech industry and elsewhere.

34.  As a manager, Watson is both shrewd and tough.

35.  As a reporter, David was tougher and more tenacious than the other three.

36.  As prosecutor, she developed a reputation as a tough and compassionate legal administrator.

37.  As soon as things get tough our enemies have a clever stratagem.

38.  As the new version of Navigator goes on sale Friday, Netscape is facing the toughest competition of its young life.

39.  As they say, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

40.  As well as negotiating from strength, Rank had a realistic perception of just how tough he would have to be.

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