31.  Analysis Have the students fill out the analysis sheet and then share their observations.

32.  And Diana wants her boys to share it.

33.  And every fall, gracious Patagonians share their idyllic scene with city folk.

34.  And it is helped immeasurably if two unrelated people can share in the belief that indeed they are already blood relatives.

35.  And last but not least, there are all those damn kids sharing files and scaring the media moguls shiftless.

36.  And one could tell from the restful silence in the car that they shared a very real life together.

37.  And other black arts organizations had willingly shared their patron lists.

38.  And that no one sharing the peaceful life of the Domaine Ardente loved me as much as she did.

39.  And we can share best practices so that every educator and employer does not have to recreate effective strategies from scratch.

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