31.  Also, in his view, it saves on fuel and oil costs.

32.  Also, with bulk buying you save a lot of time by not having to order each resistor and capacitor individually.

33.  Although it saved them substantial costs, these cases were not exactly searing moral victories for the healthcare plans.

34.  Always save a backup copy of your work to avoid potential disasters.

35.  Amazingly we saved thousands of pounds that way!

36.  An advertising ban will save many children from being misled into thinking smoking is a smart, sophisticated practice.

37.  An efficient boiler will conserve energy and save you money.

38.  An urgent operation was needed to save his life, and doctors said it was touch and go until the end of the procedure.

39.  And a nation turns its lonely eyes to Slash to save what looks like another Sunday, bloody Sunday.

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