31.  All I want is the chance to prove myself.

32.  All of which explains why the Domaine has proved such a success.

33.  All these services require substantial management and specialist support beyond the initial setting-up period, which has often proved difficult to provide.

34.  All this deeply interested Modigliani who was a remarkably cultivated and educated man, as Paul Alexandre proves.

35.  All this proved a formidable challenge to our sweeper, a delightful Rajasthani lady named Murti.

36.  All this proves conclusively that Waqar and Akram are genuinely great and exceptional bowlers.

37.  All this worrying proved for naught, because within the week senior management approved her proposal.

38.  Although a few birds usually spend the summer in Shetland they have not so far been proved to breed here.

39.  Although a new and growing field in medicine, placental blood transfusions have proved effective in combating leukemia and other cancers.

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