31. Across parts of the northern states, snow has started to recede away from the trunks of trees.
32. All three northern New England states are cracking down on drinking and speeding with heavy fines, potential jail time, and more enforcement by fish and game officials.
33. Brazil has a minimal highway network reaching into all parts of the country, with fewer highways in the northern states than in the south.
34. But already opposition to the change is mounting from members in Congress representing northern states, which stand to lose millions.
35. But in eight northern states which are predominantly Muslim, Shariah, or fundamentalist Islamic law, has been declared the legal code by local governors.
36. But sooner or later, India and Pakistan will have to peacefully resolve the explosive disagreement between them over the status of the northern Indian state of Kashmir.
37. Chavez has declared a state of emergency here in the capital and in nine northern states.
38. Cold, wet weather, meanwhile, lingered over the northern Plains states, further delaying seeding the spring wheat crop.
39. Contributing to higher wheat prices was concern that heavy flooding in northern Plains states could damage the winter wheat crop there, which will be harvested around June.