31.  A typewritten list of male names and telephone numbers, twenty-five in all, including those of Matteo and Saunders.

32.  A typical campaign consists of politicians repeatedly shouting their name, party affiliation, and other slogans through loudspeakers.

33.  According to the Description Theory, names mean some definite description, but none seems motivated or necessary.

34.  Achaachi was the only agent who had stayed at a Paris hotel under his real name.

35.  Additionally, proctors at the test centers noticed that one person was taking multiple tests under different names, Morgenthau said.

36.  Administration officials have Declined comment on the number or names of the guests, citing privacy concerns.

37.  After all the records have been scanned a list of two names - Mason and Vince - would be provided.

38.  After attending a local nursery school, some children had been able to write their own names.

39.  After changing his name by deed poll to Captain Beany he needed a renewed passport to match his new identity.

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