31.  After their divorce Jane worked on, helped by students at the growing research station.

32.  Almost as dramatic as the financial scale of the mess is the growing political fallout.

33.  Also contributing to the turmoil recently has been growing criticism that the talk shows focus on sleazy topics.

34.  Also, you could then irrigate the lower valley lands, which usually have better soil and a longer growing season.

35.  Although a new and growing field in medicine, placental blood transfusions have proved effective in combating leukemia and other cancers.

36.  Although much of this heat was radiated back into space, a significant fraction was retained by the growing planet.

37.  Although often identified with the rapidly growing fundamentalist, Pentecostal, and Protestant charismatic denominations, the movement is far wider.

38.  Although support for some of the liberal values is confined to a minority, it is a growing one.

39.  Although there is a growing literature on prisons, prison research arbitrarily stops at the prison gates.

40.  An economic miracle is needed if Bangladesh is to feed its huge and growing population.

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