31.  A recent Government survey found that in women, the average intakes of iron from food were below the recommended levels.

32.  A second explanation is that antibiotic production is rooted in the plant material that is the food source.

33.  A shelf allows more food to be cooked at the same time, though the cooking times will be longer.

34.  A simpler and more pleasant way of achieving the same end was to use jade vessels for food and drink.

35.  A strong iron pan for cooking our food on board.

36.  A varied diet of earthworms, aquatic insects, shrimps, small fish and tablet foods will keep it in good health.

37.  A water flea that is starving in a crowded pond is the victim not of food shortage but of competition.

38.  A whole mountain of Decent clothing was needed for the poor of Whitechapel, so was some Decent food.

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