31.  Alternatively, you should deal with a reputable broker of franchises.

32.  An ad hoc committee has been set up to deal with the problem.

33.  Analyse policy options for dealing with global environmental change and promoting the goal of sustainable development.

34.  And is his love so imperishable that, when others deal treacherously with us, he never fails to be loyal?

35.  And revisions to the legal system to deal with the increase in cases means they will be able to prosecute more people.

36.  And the wider community is denied the opportunity to deal with the issue compassionately.

37.  And there was no doubt that Kalchu, though younger, had dealt with a great many premature births before this one.

38.  Anger at what has been perpetrated and an insistence on due process are the essential combination in dealing with war crimes.

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