31.  Although those measures would cost money in the short term, Rep.

32.  An accident on vacation can cost you a lot in medical fees.

33.  An everyday grey suit cost me twelve pounds.

34.  An omission which might have and May still cost him serious casualties to personnel north of the Qattara depression.

35.  And the kind of food and wine that would cost a few francs in a back street cafe.

36.  And, for those who work in the travel and tourism industry, this tax could cost them their jobs.

37.  Another mistake like that could cost you your job.

38.  Any delay to the hydroelectric project will cost millions of dollars a month.

39.  As I mentioned earlier, it will cost a lot of money.

40.  As praise costs so little, this is a regrettable finding to emerge from studies of parent-child relationships.

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