21.  All the witnesses share one trait.

22.  Allowing insiders - ie, better-informed people - to profit from trading means that share prices reflect information more quickly.

23.  Although each approach provides a different explanation of how politics works, they all share two important features.

24.  Although I have come to share her opinion of Joe, it has not brought us any closer.

25.  Although not closely related to other river dolphins, the tucuxi is included here because it shares a similar habitat.

26.  Although the formal agenda item is always very useful, perhaps even more beneficial is the process of sharing.

27.  Although the two peoples share a similar type of political structure, their religious beliefs present a striking contrast.

28.  Although they share the same chemical composition and crystal form, emerald is by far the more valuable.

29.  Alvin also developed a lasting friendship with Duvall, with whom he shared a birthdate.

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