21.  The creditor is entitled to further payments from that date at the said rate.

22.  The excitement, celebrities and aura are attracting tourists and locals alike, said day manager Lorna Sandoval.

23.  The increase will result, in part, from a renovation program that boosted sales at refurbished stores, said Ramos.

24.  The narrowing trade gap means that growth in the fourth quarter could be better than expected, said analysts.

25.  The questionnaire itself will be made more user-friendly, said Sylvia Harris, a census consultant and graphic designer at Yale University.

26.  The United States sees intellectual property rights as sacred, said Thomas Klitgaard, an attorney specializing in international law.

27.  Then he went upstairs, said goodnight to Dooley and took a hot shower.

28.  They evolve by changing the attitudes, accessibility and availability of the said sport.

29.  They were said to be fearless swordsmen and able to shoot a man between the eyes at a hundred paces.

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