21.  His charter gives him the authority to prosecute any crimes he discovers in the course of his investigation.

22.  In an interview, Fox acknowledged that Mexican law, which imposes time limits for prosecuting certain crimes, might protect the guilty.

23.  In addition, the bill would give states the latitude to ask the federal government for help investigating and prosecuting hate crimes.

24.  In an address to the U.N. General Assembly, Clinton also called for creation of an international court to prosecute crimes against humanity.

25.  International law says states have an obligation to prosecute crimes against humanity.

26.  Investigating and prosecuting crimes is generally a local matter, but not always.

27.  It would also send an important signal to a conference now going on in Rome to set rules for a permanent international court to prosecute crimes against humanity.

28.  Ito has handled domestic violence cases and has complained of the difficulty of prosecuting crimes in which the victims sometimes refuse to testify.

29.  It would also make it easier to prosecute hate crimes federally, by relaxing the rules on which cases qualify.

30.  Jewish leaders say the federal authorities have to act more decisively in prosecuting hate crimes.

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