21.  A particular problem requiring resolution concerns the status given to scientific names for plants and animals.

22.  A scandal like this could give the university a bad name.

23.  A security officer at the factory, who Declined to give his name, said he had seen two men leave the building.

24.  A self-confessed gossip columnist, she writes under her former Married name of Lady Colin Campbell - to me her first vulgarity.

25.  A simple method for remembering the names of the three areas is to associate them with a particular point of the body.

26.  A simple tactic is domain name registration.

27.  A slight but unmistakable accent suggested that his name was not Leblond.

28.  A supermarket chain gave the name Pemberley to its own brand of champagne.

29.  A thin wiry woman, her name was Meg and not herself the full shilling.

30.  A true cat knows his name but will never acknowledge it.

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