21. But Ms. Tischler said the diversion of civilian technology for military uses by China was a top priority for investigators.
22. But the military uses federal law to conceal the same types of information state medical boards release every day.
23. Coulston said the Air Force was eager to give away the animals, which have no military use anymore and are extremely costly to maintain.
24. Current law allows U.S. companies to sell products to Iran, unless those products are likely to be converted to military uses.
25. Current military doctrine calls for answering any military use of chemical weapons with overwhelming conventional force.
26. Environmental groups still want to see the Cabeza Prieta left out of any military use.
27. Even if the company gets its FDA approval, which could come in weeks or months, the first vaccines produced would be committed to military use.
28. For Japan, the bad dream is an expansion of Chinese power and influence in the peninsula, including the military use of ports like Pusan to intimidate it.
29. Given the lack of an effective verification regime, it is possible that these HPCs have been diverted for military uses. . . .
30. He later helped convince Einstein to write U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, urging research in the military use of nuclear energy.