21. People with bad eyesight were exempt from military service.
22. Refusal to do military service was a criminal offence.
23. Small farms were assigned to sons of noblemen and promising warriors, on condition they reported annually for military service.
24. Soldiers must be aware of the concomitant risks and responsibilities of military service.
25. The alacrity with which northerners enlisted for military service whenever warfare flared up on the Border speaks for itself.
26. The military services themselves have adapted remarkably well and are not less respected for it.
27. The two most obvious and irksome are subjection to satraps and extortion of tribute, including personal military service.
28. There has been a comparable fall in support for increasing military defence spending and compulsory military service.
29. They do not pay tax or rent, and are exempted from military service.
30. They were paying him for defecting, for answering questions about his military service.