21.  Also patron of actors, lawyers, secretaries, and stenographers.

22.  Although lawyers are still negotiating, it is unlikely the committee will grant such immunity to Huang.

23.  And here I am trying to start up a private firm with one other black lawyer.

24.  And here was his whole formal appellation, as if he were her lawyer or insurance agent.

25.  And if we were lawyers we could spend all our time trying to get to the truth.

26.  And our lawyers are no different.

27.  And that is why estimating the cost of any action involving lawyers can be tricky.

28.  Another labor lawyer, a friend of mine, sent me a copy.

29.  As a lawyer, he had a keen sense of the value of political connections.

30.  As a lawyer, you have to be controlled and businesslike at all times.

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